Next time, perhaps!

A blog by a tiny, bored worker

Hello… 2019 (what a basic bitch I am)

Gosh, it’s first May already, I don’t know why I bother to write this. Anyway a lot has happened to me from my last post, which in September 2018 until today.

To sum up, I’ve moved back to Jakarta, Indonesia, partner got a job in Sumatra, my relationship with colleagues went down to the rabbit hole.

Since end of last year, my company asked if it’s okay to move me back to Indo. Well, I think it’s a great idea because then I can do lots of things like having meetings, trainings, etc, something I couldn’t do if I stay in Singapore. Also, I knew my partner would move back to Indo and find a job there, because of the government regulation.


I’ve never talked about my feelings anymore. Maybe it’s because I don’t feel insecure like my previous relationships. With Robin, I feel safe because she accepts me for who I am. I can see that she’s actually want us to last. I’m grateful for her.

It’s been two years we’re together. We’ve been apart for a year and we will reunite by the end of this month. I’m excited really, but scared at the same time. Will we be okay? When I told people about this plan, some cheered for us and some… reacted quite negatively. They said something like… it’s not gonna be as happy as it seems.

A chill trip to Krabi

Hello! It’s September already and I didn’t even write anything in August. I even forgot to post my Krabi post geez. Really sorry, but honestly August was great to me. I went to Jakarta for a family wedding and an interview with a Journalist, and also my commencement date to work from Jakarta office is finalized, finally.

Awesome news, I bought a ticket to Ho Chi Minh and I’ll be gone next week! With T and N, and N’s sister as well. I think it’s gonna be a lot of fun, I can’t wait really! But I haven’t even told you guys about my trip to Krabi. Oh goodness, I am really sorry. For Robin, lol I didn’t mean to prolong this but.. I was lazy lol sorry babe. Let’s start!

Okay, so… My partner always wanted to go to Krabi, Thailand. She told me this quite a few times. At first I was like.. what is Krabi? Is it some sort of place where you can eat lots of Crab? Or Krabby Patty?

My first Yangon trip – Part 3

This post is the end of my Yangon trip! Finally I could make something consistent, until the end! Quite proud of meself yay! Anyway, I’m at Northpoint City currently, writing from the nearest mall in my area, Yishun, baby!

So what I did the second day (16/6) at Yangon is basically visiting another pagoda (the last one), and shopping (not that wild tho, because I don’t have the money…)

My first Yangon trip – Part 2

So.. maybe you’ve read my post about me went to Yangon for the first time. Now, I’ll tell you a bit about what I did there after we left the airport. Hint: pagoda, pagoda, and pagoda. Lots of em.

T and I decided to go to Shwedagon Pagoda while we were waiting for hotel check-in. Basically, almost everything in Yangon written in abugida. Of course I couldn’t read it and Google Translate, the one that you can take picture and it will translate rightaway, didn’t help much too, because it doesn’t have the database somehow.

We then rode a Grab so we don’t have to haggle and got scammed because we really don’t know the base fare. I love how Grab make things easier for everyone to use public transportation. Anyway, for the ride to Shwedagon, we paid 7,300MMK (SGD7). Since T would be the one who pay all my meals, I decided to pay mostly the rides we had in Yangon.

My first Yangon trip – Part 1

If last 3 weekends ago I got nothing to do and decided to make a website, the next weekend (15/6) I decided to do Yangon trip. Well, I wouldn’t go if it wasn’t a “spontaneous” decision made by me and my office friend, T. Myanmar (or Burma) was never on my bucket list but a few months ago, T, who is a Traveler, told me Myanmar was her last “unticked” country in Southeast Asia.

And so we booked our hotels and flight for our little Yangon trip, I think around a month before. It was quite cheap, SGD288.25 each person to be exact for 3d2n.. return flight and hotel in Yangon included. Although, now if I think about it, it wasn’t really that cheap, compare to my Krabi trip, which ticket I bought just days before.

Pindah blog ke!

Sabtu (9/6) lalu gue bosen banget di rumah sendirian aja. Mulailah gue utak-atik blog lama gue, next thing I know, gue udah bayar sekitar IDR550,000-an buat hosting dan domain untuk setahun. Gue PINDAH blog dari ke

Kalo ditanya kenapa pindah blog, pastinya bukan karena blog lama gue isinya sampah menye-menye sama orang yang sebenarnya ngga perlu dimenye-menyein (kalo penasaran sama postingan lama gue, cek tab relationship gue). Tapi, gue emang selalu bercita-cita untuk belajar bikin website sendiri, punya toko online, dan punya peternakan. Baby steps lah.

Gue bersyukur banget yalord pertama gue bikin blog dimulai dari WordPress, jadi setidaknya udah cukup familiar sama CMS WordPress. Gue emang ngga pernah tertarik sama B-spot, karena

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