Coming out is like an additional, but required, stepping point for us LGBTQ people. When I’m talking to other lesbians, sooner or later the question “so do your parents/family/friends know about you being gay?” or something similar will come up. If the answer is “yes”, then the usual follow up question is how it has been received. If they say “no”, one can only assume that the people around them are really religious – or that they’re just not ready.
Last year, I came out to my mom. Or, rather, I was outed by a “mystery” person, who I’m pretty sure was my brother, because I had been Skyping with my soul-wrenching ex-crush candidly in front of him, involving lots of “aku sayang kamu” (I love you) and giggles. Ugh. Can I take back all those feelings? My stomach hurts recalling the memories).